FTC Materials (A1 LEVEL)
FTC Books and Materials provides the candidates with up-to-date past questions, study questions and resource guides in the preparation for their internationally recognized French test like TEF, TCF or DELF-DALF. They help the learner to master the French sounds, the French words, construct French sentences and know how to hold French conversations on daily life topics as it even also aids in describing French images, graphics and pictures. All these are the requirements under the TEF Canada tested skills: la compréhension orale (listening), la compréhension écrite (reading), l'expression orale (speaking), l'expression écrite (writing).
What will you learn
Get your 7+ band scores (B2+ points) test results
- Be a French for TEF Canada learner
- 8 Lessons
- 00:00:00 Hours
- Constantin TEGOS
- Corriges
- Methode
- Corriges
- Cahier D' Activites
- Edito_A1_audios_cahier
- Edito A1 Audios Manuel
- Progressive du Francais Debutant
About instructor


This is nice but how do I get this materials? Are you sure they'll be of use to me? Thanks.


This FTC materials is purposely and carefully compiled to foster participant's performance and also makes one verse in knowledge